Tanja Baumgartner

Bewege dich gesund!

Lebenskräfte entdecken – Lebensenergie wecken
3 x 7 Übungen für den Alltag


Futurum-Verlag, Basel, 2021
192 pages
ISBN: 978-3-85636-271-3


Lack of activity makes you sick. But not only physical complaints can be the result. We no longer feel “comfortable in our skin,” and even the diverse exercise offerings of a “fitness industry” that focus exclusively on physical performance and endurance can’t change that.

Movement can only be therapeutically effective if it takes hold of the whole person and restores the balance between our physical body and its vital forces. Tanja Baumgartner has developed 21 exercises for this purpose, which not only strengthen physically, but above all sensitize us to the perception of inner movement impulses, which we learn to grasp consciously in the process. Out of her experience with different forms of therapy, she has developed an exercise path that can be adapted to one’s own needs and gradually opens up access to the deeper layers of our body, where the life forces originate.

How to order: unternehmen eurythmie, Futurum-Verlag and in your bookstore